Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let Me Love You

We sat around my in-laws’ dinner table, sipping coffee and sampling my latest baking experiment.  The discussion meandered around to the topic of marathoning.  My father-in-law, a talented poet, dug out some limericks, penned after several notable races, including his first half-marathon.  He comedically recounted the experiences that anyone who has run races knows.  Feeling

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How Did You Know?

Before getting into the meat of this week’s post, I want to offer a gigantic ‘thank-you’ to everyone.  I published the news about my addiction almost one week ago.  Since then, I have received hundreds of comment, e-mails and private messages, providing encouragement.  Thank you for your grace, compassion and, most of all, love. In

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My Story

I am always telling people, “I’m not perfect.  I mess up all the time.” But, I always sense a bit of skepticism.  A silent response that says, “But I see you on Facebook. Your kids are so cute, you’re happily married, you have great parents, you eat tons of fabulous food [insert your perception here].  All

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