Tag Archives: make ahead

A piece of casserole with corn, bacon and shredded potatoes on a white plate with a fork and salsa.

7 Layer Breakfast Casserole

7 Layer Breakfast Casserole is a hearty breakfast dish with seven flavor-filled layers including hash brown potatoes, corn, peppers, bacon, tomato and cheese. Fully Tested Recipe This one took four or five rounds of experimentation (I lost track) for the specific layer configuration.  Hash browns on the bottom?  The top?  What about the bacon?  Lots

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Eggs Benedict Casserole 4

Eggs Benedict Casserole

“What’s with all the eggs, Joanie?”  I know, I know.  Egg salad, eggs benedict casserole, quiche, I’m outta control!  Truth is, I’ve been working with Hickman’s Family Farms.  They’re based right here in Buckeye, Arizona (since 1944) and as part of a Deviled Egg contest, they delivered 15 dozen eggs to my house.  No, that’s not

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