Tag Archives: Recipe

A piece of casserole with corn, bacon and shredded potatoes on a white plate with a fork and salsa.

7 Layer Breakfast Casserole

7 Layer Breakfast Casserole is a hearty breakfast dish with seven flavor-filled layers including hash brown potatoes, corn, peppers, bacon, tomato and cheese. Fully Tested Recipe This one took four or five rounds of experimentation (I lost track) for the specific layer configuration.  Hash browns on the bottom?  The top?  What about the bacon?  Lots

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Christmas Roast https://joaniesimon.com

Christmas Roast (on a budget)

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]I love to celebrate Christmas like the Whos in Whoville with a grand roast beast.  However, my budget’s tight and I can’t afford to go all out on a standing rib roast.  Luckily, there’s a much cheaper cut of meat that, if prepared properly, can be a striking centerpiece to your holiday meal.  I’m

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Sweet Potato Bacon Soup

Sweet Potato Soup

I had a single sweet potato hanging out in the miscellaneous produce bowl in the kitchen (currently being occupied by an acorn squash, a few limes, a tomato on its last leg, and a bunch of bananas, for the monkeys of course).  He was a pretty large sweet potato and on the heels of my

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Red Veggie Burger

Poobah’s Veggie Burgers

Who is Poobah?  That’s my Dad.  When my first son was born, we asked Dad what he wanted to be called.  “The Grand Poobah!” was his response.  Thinking that was wildly hilarious, we started calling him Poobah, and so far, that’s what the grandkids call him.  These veggie burgers are named for him because he’s

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Shredded Chicken Enchiladas

Growing up, there were two kinds of enchiladas.  The restaurant version that were rolled and covered in red sauce and cheese and the home version which were more of a Mexican casserole, dished out of a Pyrex and served in squares.  This recipe reflects the home version, a recreation of my Mom’s go-to recipe.  This is

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