Tag Archives: sriracha

Spicy Stuffed Arancini

Arancini are balls of rice, stuffed with anything from cheese to ragu, then fried to a golden hue.  They are a traditional Sicilian dish served in December for the Feast of Santa Lucia, commemorating the arrival of a grain ship to the island in 1646 during a time of famine.  What does that mean to us?  An

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Red Veggie Burger

Poobah’s Veggie Burgers

Who is Poobah?  That’s my Dad.  When my first son was born, we asked Dad what he wanted to be called.  “The Grand Poobah!” was his response.  Thinking that was wildly hilarious, we started calling him Poobah, and so far, that’s what the grandkids call him.  These veggie burgers are named for him because he’s

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Sweet & Sour Salmon

Sweet & Sour Sriracha Salmon

Salmon will forever make me think of my Nana.  Who is my Nana?  My maternal grandmother.  The most outrageously classy lady I know who is mostly to blame for my taste  for the finer things in life.  She was the first to introduce me to the theater, art museums, Lawrence of Arabia, white table cloths, Paul

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