How to Shuck an Oyster

This week I had the honor of meeting David Rosengarten, host of Food Network’s Taste and ultimate food aficionado.  He hosted a seminar about Cheese & Charcuterie and Oysters, all outstanding ready to eat appetizer options.  In the seminar, he showed us all how to shuck an oyster.

how to shuck an oyster

Of course, I wanted to dive both hands in and give it a go shucking my own.  A quick trip to AJ’s Fine Foods for fresh Blue Point oysters, two oyster knives, and I dragged Ryan into the fun to see if David’s instruction proved fruitful.

Turns out it’s not too hard.

See how we did:

How to Shuck an Oyster

I think the real trick is to get in there, and don’t be afraid of the oyster.  It takes commitment and a little bit of muscle to pop them open.  So, go for it!
Want to serve oysters at your next party?  Be sure to keep them over ice so they stay cool and serve them up with garnishes like Tabasco, horseradish or a simple mignonette.  Too, don’t ditch the oyster liquor (the juice inside the oyster) when you’re shucking them.  That’s the good stuff!

Try your hand at shuckin’ and have a ton of fun!