Author Archives: Joanie Simon

Let Me Love You

We sat around my in-laws’ dinner table, sipping coffee and sampling my latest baking experiment.  The discussion meandered around to the topic of marathoning.  My father-in-law, a talented poet, dug out some limericks, penned after several notable races, including his first half-marathon.  He comedically recounted the experiences that anyone who has run races knows.  Feeling

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Meat Crust Muffins 4

Meat Crust Mini Pies

There were three dishes my Mom made when I was a kid that I loved.  Sherry Beef (Beef in a sherry cream sauce over egg noodles), Spinach Fandango (A rice, beef, spinach, cheese casserole monstrosity) and Meat Crust Pie.  Thus, today’s inspiration for Mini Meat Crust Pies. “Hey, the 1960s called.  They want their recipes

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How Did You Know?

Before getting into the meat of this week’s post, I want to offer a gigantic ‘thank-you’ to everyone.  I published the news about my addiction almost one week ago.  Since then, I have received hundreds of comment, e-mails and private messages, providing encouragement.  Thank you for your grace, compassion and, most of all, love. In

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My Story

I am always telling people, “I’m not perfect.  I mess up all the time.” But, I always sense a bit of skepticism.  A silent response that says, “But I see you on Facebook. Your kids are so cute, you’re happily married, you have great parents, you eat tons of fabulous food [insert your perception here].  All

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