Category Archives: Sides

Spaghetti Agli Olio

Fresh Pasta from Scratch

If I had to pick a Valentine other than the Ry-guy, it would be carbs…all the carbs, in fact.  Never met one that I didn’t adore.  At the tippy-top of the list, just slightly under my beloved potatoes (I want to be buried with potatoes.  “Here lies Simon the Spud.”) is pasta, specifically handmade, fresh

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Arugula Goat Cheese Citrus Salad

Arugula Citrus Salad

Yes, things do grow in Arizona.  Yes, it’s a desert, but there’s still farming going on!  Of course, because we experience super high highs in the summer and temperate winters, our “what’s in season” calendar is a little different than most other places. The Arizona Farm Bureau publishes a helpful resource called Fill Your Plate that

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