Category Archives: Vegetarian

Red Veggie Burger

Poobah’s Veggie Burgers

Who is Poobah?  That’s my Dad.  When my first son was born, we asked Dad what he wanted to be called.  “The Grand Poobah!” was his response.  Thinking that was wildly hilarious, we started calling him Poobah, and so far, that’s what the grandkids call him.  These veggie burgers are named for him because he’s

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Caramel Apple Shortbread Tart

Apple Shortbread Tarts

I have made some version of these tarts a bazillion times in the past month.  For the Test Kitchen, they were served a la mode.  At the Cheese 101 Class they had cheddar in the crust.  On Sonoran Living, they were drizzled with caramel.  After that many renditions, I can confidently say, we’ve got a

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Three Cheese Enchiladas

Sunday marked my third cooking class at Luci’s Healthy Marketplace.  The theme of this class was cheese.  In addition to teaching everyone the basics of a proper cheese plate for entertaining (post on that to come sometime soon) we also cooked with cheese.  Enter, three cheese enchiladas. When I think of cheese, my brain goes

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Cheesy Orzo Stuffed Peppers

Ryan loves stuffed peppers.  He grew up with his Mom making the classic version with green peppers, rice and ground beef.  When Traina Foods enlisted my help to create a series of recipes featuring their Sun Dried Tomato Ketchup, for some reason my brain went to Italian style stuffed peppers. Their ketchup is not like

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Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Coconut Soup

It’s technically fall and as I write this, I have no less than three pumpkin spiced candles burning. Yes, the basic white girl in me lives for this time of year and though the leaves don’t change here in the Sonoran desert, it doesn’t mean I can’t dive headlong into squash, warm spices and soups.

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Orange Chocolate Pots de Creme

Chocolate Orange Pots de Creme

Last night was the second installment of classes at Luci’s Healthy Marketplace.  I really love teaching and these classes are a great reminder of how much fun food can be.  The theme of the class was “Meatless Mondays” a course aimed at teaching folks how to go meatless once a week.  Because I can’t help

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Tabbouleh Stuffed Mushroom

Tabbouleh Stuffed Mushrooms

“TAH-BOO-LEE” I tell my 3-year-old.  That’s how you say it.  It’s what we’re using today in our stuffed mushrooms. As for how to spell it?  Tabbouleh, Tabouleh, Tabouli, a google search yields a wide variety of options.  But, it’s generally agreed that tabbouleh involves either bulgur or couscous.  This recipe has neither, so really, it’s

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Banana Split Parfait

Banana Split Parfait

I think of parfait, I think of Eddie Murphy as Donkey in Shrek. You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, “Let’s get some parfait,” they say, “Hell no, I don’t like no parfait.”? Parfaits are delicious! So, being that everyone likes parfaits, I figured I’d make one

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