Category Archives: Uncategorized



I have been self-employed one year as of today.  Woot woot! May 1, 2015 kicked off what my therapist called “May Play,” a whole month devoted to all play and no work. April 30th was my last day at the “day job” and I was planning to pursue some form of self-employment (though what I would

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Joanie Simon Sober-1

1 Year Sober-versary

I have spent the past few days retracing the steps that led to making March 23, 2015 the day I stepped out of addiction and into recovery. There had been plenty of mornings prior, filled with regret, swearing, “I’ll never drink again.” But, those momentary secret declarations preceded predictable backsliding, where I’d find myself stashing yet

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Caprese Pasta Salad

Caprese Pasta Salad

This recipe is epic and you have to try it.  It’s sponsored by Traina Foods, but that doesn’t mean I’m lying when I say I love their ketchup.  I’ve written about it before, so I’ll spare you the gush-fest, but do take note that this ketchup is more like tomato paste.  Do not sub in

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Pasta Bolognese Recipe

Best Bolognese

We officially have a Halloween tradition in the Simon house.  For three years now, I’ve made a big pot of spaghetti with meat sauce (Bolognese if we’re bein’ fancy) and opened up the doors to friends and family before Trick-or-Treating.  After a third round of rave reviews and inquiries for a recipe, I spent today

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Caramel Apple Shortbread Tart

Apple Shortbread Tarts

I have made some version of these tarts a bazillion times in the past month.  For the Test Kitchen, they were served a la mode.  At the Cheese 101 Class they had cheddar in the crust.  On Sonoran Living, they were drizzled with caramel.  After that many renditions, I can confidently say, we’ve got a

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