Tag Archives: chocolate

chai cheesecake cups

Chai Cheesecake Cups

These Chai Cheesecake Cups are a quick and easy, not-too-sweet dessert that incorporates the Indian flavors of sweet chai with good for you protein packed Greek Cream Cheese. What is Chai? Chai is an Indian tea brewed with milk, sugar and cardamom. Translated, Chai means “tea”, so please, for the sake of our Indian friends,

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Chocolate Cherry Shortbread Cookies

Chocolate Cherry Shortbread Cookies

Chocolate covered cherries are a particular favorite around these parts.  When inspiration struck to do a Valentine’s themed cookie, I had a jar of Maraschinos hanging out and some mini chocolate chips.  Too, I’m a shortbread fanatic because the measurements are easy to memorize.  1 part sugar, 2 parts butter, 3 parts flour!  Put it all

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